Hello gentle Ypsi/Ann Arbor readers
I stated at the beginning of this campaign that I would not be endorsing candidates from either side in the A2 council/ mayoral races.
I identified the two primary issues of advocacy for me as 1) Housing policy 2) Police policy
Well, things changed a bit when Ryan Hughes entered the Ward 1 Council race running on the two issues i identify above [I've since told him he might consider a slightly more broad platform ;-) ].
I support Ryan as his values closely comport with mine. It doesn't hurt that he is running as a Democratic Socialist, and is aligned with Huron Valley Democratic Socialists of America, participates in our housing committee.
And now, we have hit a point in the campaign where I am prepared to make an endorsement in the Mayoral race. [Again, this was not my intention at beginning of campaign]
Process**: I should also note that I personally spoke with both candidates, along with fellow HVDSA member Mike Auerbach from Ypsilanti.
While we did not represent HVDSA views to the candidates, we wanted each to know that we were working with the HVDSA Housing Committee when we met and would be thus reporting back to the committee what was said at the meetings and include them in follow-up emails. By the way, While Taylor's response to our email follow-up to the in-person meeting we had was far from acceptable in my view, at least he responded to it with his view.
We received *no response* from Eaton. When I've asked Mr. Eaton in person about his lack of response [it's now been three weeks], he states that he's been "busy politicking, going to meetings." As I walked away from him he added, "And besides, if I give you anything, you will just mischaracterize it anyway..."
I created a table to show a basic rundown of my decision-making process. Feel free to tear it apart if you want. Feel free to use it however you see fit in your own decision-making on this important primary vote on August 7.
I am now supporting Christopher Taylor for re-election. Yesterday, I went out on the doors for both he and Chuck Warpehoski, who I support based on his council record of support for housing affordability and for his thoughtful consideration of viewpoints in opposition to his.
Ali Ramlawi's support for Jack Eaton's "Proactive Policing" policy and desire to add more police officer outlays to our General Fund Budgeting process kinda helped too. FWIW, I am a Ward 3 resident and will not have the chance to vote for Chuck.
Back to the Taylor/ Eaton race. Feel free to check out my decision table linked-to below:
And regardless of who *you* support, good luck on the doors and in the polls!
Note: This is not in any way, official nor otherwise an endorsement from the Huron Valley Democratic Socialists of America. I am a member and have been most directly involved with the Housing Committee.
Note 2: This article has been updated with feedback on positions in the table below by Taylor. I also added the **"Process" section which is the sentence attached to that word and the paragraph below it.
Here is the table:
Christopher Taylor
Jack Eaton
| |
Housing Policy
Christopher’s plan currently is to implement Zoning disruptions along transit routes that will allow for more building.
Other solutions in realm of social housing he will rely on experts like Jennifer Hall for policy ideas/ planning.
Jack has...
He further states that before we tackle AH, we first must “build trust” with residents by fixing roads, etc.
County Housing Affordability and Equity Report recommendations
Voted in 2015 *to support* recommendations for housing affordability
Voted in 2015 *against* the resolution adopting the housing affordability recommendations
Funding Affordable Housing Inititiatives
Taylor voted to put $900K/yr of County Public Safety Millage rebate in Affordable Housing Fund [each year for 8 years].
Millage Context: ALL Community Mental Health (CMH) dollars go to CMH
ALL Public Safety (Sheriff) dollars go to Sheriff. The millage returns a rebate to cities with police so that they are not double taxed. The rebate comes in to Ann Arbor unallocated and without stipulations -- suitable for any purpose in Council's discretion. The Use Resolution we passed in advance of the vote pledged to use rebate for Pedestrian Safety (20%); Climate Action (40%); Affordable Housing (40%).
Taylor is also open to other funding ideas, but nothing solid yet has been presented in his view
Jack voted against the $900K/yr, but to be fair, the vote was on a resolution that took rebate money from county public safety millage to other city purposes he does not support.
Jack wants “no new taxes” on residents
But is open to ideas like further decreasing cap on DDA TIF capture as well as exploring alternative uses for the DDA parking revenues.
Police Oversight Commission
Initially “wanted to learn more about how the Police Commission might work.” He has since acceded to its creation.
Taylor sees this commission as having input on policy, but no direct investigation of complaints. From his website: “we already have robust civilian oversight of the police department. The Chief of Police reports to the City Administrator; the City Administrator reports to City Council and the Mayor; and we report to you.”
Jack was initially against the idea of this commission. Sumi brought him on-board and he supports a fully funded, fully empowered, independent police oversight commission.
Increasing Police Staffing Levels
Has consistently voted against adding more police officers in at least the last two years. States he will continue to vote against such measures if presented to council again.
Has advocated and voted in favor of adding more police officers for the last two years. From his website:
“I regularly seek to add police officers to allow for proactive policing, including traffic enforcement and downtown beat officers.”
Christopher Taylor
Jack Eaton
Housing Policy
| |
County Housing Affordability and Equity Report recommendations
Funding Affordable Housing Inititiatives
Police Oversight Commission
Police Staffing Levels
8/4/18 update:
This chart has been updated to reflect the last minute addition of *Social Housing* proposal/ Affordable Housing Platform Plank by Team Eaton. While I appreciate his team putting Social Housing on the agenda, they have **NO FUNDING PLAN** and therefore get only a "half-point credit" for that. *BUDGETS ARE MORAL DOCUMENTS*
Taylor is still the best choice for mayor of A2 based on these two issues. When voting on Tuesday Aug 7, I challenge current Eaton supporters to think about your priorities, and how Eaton's budget proposals meet your criteria for adequate support, especially budgetary support, of the issues that matter most to you.
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