"Living Writers" is a public affairs program airing every Wednesday from 5-6pm on WCBN-FM ANN ARBOR. T. Hetzel from the University of Michigan Sweetland Center for Writing, is the host. Each week a writer is featured. Songs are played in between banter and ideation exploration. I am filling-in this week for T. We'll hear from Ed Vielmetti about ArborWiki, a collaboratively edited website including everything from local civic engagement systems & relevant maps, to all the best birthday deals in Ann Arbor. We will also talk a bit about Ed's experiences with USENET [1985-1995], and writing online in general. Tune-in, won't you? 5pm this Wednesday July 15. 88.3 MHz in Ann Arbor or click here to listen a n y w h e r e i n t h e w o r l d. Oh, and speaking of maps, take a look at this one. What local area does it depict? Feel free to leave your answer in the comment section below. Thanks for reading, listening and participating!
I visited Toronto a couple of weeks ago for the NXNE Music and Art festival. Thanks to WCBN and The Liz for the opportunity. I stayed in an inexpensive Airbnb apartment right near Yonge and Alexander, in the heart of downtown Toronto. Guess what? I had a BLAST!
While in Toronto I used 3 different modes of mass transit to bounce around the city like a pinball. I left with Transit Envy and dare to dream that one day [long after I have departed this dimension], SE Michigan might enjoy something similar to the "loco-mobility" experience I had in Toronto.
Above is a very brief video with a live audio clip from the OBLITERATIONS set. They opened for Mission of Burma the last night I was there, June 20. Pentagram had to cancel because of "border problems" hehheh... :)
Here are some of the bands I checked-out while there: Calfornia X [From Boston, of course!], Frog Eyes, MISSION OF BURMA, Obliterations, White Cowbell Oklahoma, Suichu Blanco [From Kagoshima, Japan], Liturgy [Brooklyn], USA OUT OF VIETNAM, Om, Chagall.
I brought back some sounds from Liturgy, OBLITERATIONS and a few others I'll play tonight on the SEIZURE EXPERIMENT, from 10p-12mid tonight Sunday July 12.
Who knows? Bran Dok may show up for some hardcore psychedelic banter...
Thanks for listening and donating to WCBN FM Ann Arbor.